Encampment FAQs
Encampment FAQ's:
Jump quickly to any section of this document by selecting from the following contents:
Who Should Attend Encampment?
Why should a cadet attend Encampment?
What are the eligibility requirements for Encampment?
Who should payment be made to?
My son or daughter has never been away from home before … Is this a problem?
Who supervises cadets at Encampment?
Where can I find additional information about Encampments?
What type of dining and housing facilities are used?
How should a cadet prepare for Encampment?
What do cadets need to bring to Encampment?
Traveling via Commercial Air to Encampment
What’s involved in the check-in process?
Can I come visit my cadet during Encampment?
How do I contact my Cadet in case of an emergency?
Is there a graduation ceremony?
Who Should Attend Encampment?
Any cadet who is a current member of CAP and who has not previously attended an encampment should attend encampment at their first available opportunity. This is essential basic training and is especially important for all new cadets. Those who have attended a previous encampment are eligible to serve on cadet staff. Kansas Wing Encampment Cadet Staff applications are accepted during the summer time. Check the web site www.kswg.cap.gov/encampment for details.
Why should a cadet attend Encampment?
It is a requirement to achieve the Billy Mitchell Award (Cadet Second Lieutenant).
It is required prior to participation in many National and Wing-sponsored special activities.
It provides an outstanding leadership and training forum for new cadets and cadet staff members. It provides an opportunity to meet cadets from other squadrons and begin lasting friendships.
It provides an opportunity for cadets to learn about the Civil Air Patrol values and the importance of teamwork through an intense military-style training environment for a week.
Studies show that encampment attendance during the first year as a cadet increases retention in CAP. Cadets attending encampment are much more likely to renew membership after the first year.
Encampment completion provides an opportunity for cadets to become staff members at subsequent encampments and many other activities!
What are the eligibility requirements for Encampment?
Cadets must have a current membership card, meet grooming standards at the beginning and throughout encampment, and have a complete set each of blues, ABUs, and PT uniforms. Cadets must have completed the Curry Achievement (Cadet Airman) in order to attend encampment.
Who should payment be made to?
Payment instructions will be sent to all participants via the email(s) you provided during registration. There are deadlines and a portion of the fee is not refundable. Later, it will be completely non-refundable, as food and other items have already been ordered/purchased. If accepted to the C.E.A.P., follow the instructions provided by National Headquarters.
My son or daughter has never been away from home before … Is this a problem?
Normally, this is not a problem. Cadets away from home for the first time get homesick; this is quite normal. Discuss the concept with them and let them know that if they get homesick, they can discuss it with other cadets in their flight, their flight sergeant, or flight commander. If they are not comfortable discussing homesickness with another cadet, each flight has an assigned senior member (called a Training Officer) who will be happy to talk with them. Encampment is not a typical sleep-away camp. The staff conducts encampment in a military manner; it is fast-paced with very little free time. This may be a bit overwhelming for the first few days for some, while others find the pace distracting from their awareness of feeling homesick. Some cadets will simply respond to this better than others. However, most adjust to the routine by the third day. Very few cadets have gone home for other than medical reasons during past encampments.
Cadets: It is normal for your family to experience a longing for your presence while you are away from home at encampment. Please encourage them to persevere through your absence and know that you are in a safe place. Show them the web site and have them join the Facebook page so they can visit it often and look for photos and videos.
Important Notes for Parents:
While cadets are attending encampment, parents should not leave home for any extended period, such as a vacation, unless they designate a family member or friend who will pick up their cadet in case that they need to leave encampment early due illness or for any other reason. This alternate emergency contact information must be included with encampment application paperwork.
Please do not set up any regular communication plan with your cadet son or daughter! Cadets will not have cell phones with them (cell phones are on the prohibited items list), nor will they have access to a telephone. Additionally, parental contact can disrupt the schedule for the cadet and staff. For the same reason, please do not telephone your cadet at encampment for routine matters or to “see how they are doing”. If there are problems at encampment, encampment staff will contact parents. If you need to contact your cadet due to an emergency, encampment staff will cooperate fully. Do not be surprised if you do not get a phone call from your cadet son or daughter during encampment. Please do not ask them to promise to call home. They simply do not have time. However, any cadet who has a need to contact parents may, under certain circumstances, do so by contacting the Chaplain or a Training Officer.
Who supervises cadets at Encampment?
Safety is of paramount importance throughout encampment! Approximately forty adult CAP staff members, both male and female, supervise cadets at all times. Same-gender senior members are housed in each barracks room so that cadets are supervised twenty-four hours each day.
Where can I find additional information about Encampments?
CAPR 60-1, Cadet Program Management, Chapter 9, which governs encampments.
CAPP 60-70, Cadet Encampment Guide
Local squadron leaders: Cadets and seniors who have attended previous encampments are a great source of information as well. Your cadet’s squadron commander is also an excellent resource for encampment information.
What type of dining and housing facilities are used?
Cadets will be living in open-room military barracks during encampment. The barracks are set up for up to 12 member flights, plus the flight staff. Flights are pre-assigned. Male and female cadets are housed on separate barracks pods and have separate bath/toilet facilities. Dining facilities are within a short walk from the main area of operations. Food is prepared by trained food service professionals in professional kitchens and is served with a combination of cafeteria style, mobile and sack lunches as needed. A balanced diet with appropriate calories to support the activity level of the cadets is provided. Legitimate food allergies and medical/religious dietary restrictions should be addressed during the application process and every effort will be made to accommodate these requirements. If you question the ability of the food services staff to be able to accommodate your needs, the burden is on you to contact encampment staff prior to sending your cadet. Unfortunately, it may not be possible to accommodate diets that are “lifestyle or life-choice” decisions. Keto, Vegan, special weight loss diets and similar diets fall into this category and will likely not be accommodated.
How should a cadet prepare for Encampment?
Encampment is not a military boot camp. However, the training is very intense. Although the focus is on basic cadet training, some training is required at the cadet’s home squadron to ensure that the cadet understands the basics of CAP customs and courtesies, the basics of CAP drill, and the basics of proper uniform wear. Encampment should not be a cadet’s first exposure to these subjects. The cadet’s home squadron commander has responsibility for this training. At Encampment, physical conditioning is important. Each day begins early, with opening formation and physical exercise training. All cadets participate. They will be exercising almost every day.
Cadets should arrive having been provided basic instructions on doing laundry and ironing. If participants bring all of the required items on the Packing List, there should be no need to do any laundry except for ABUs and possibly blues shirts. Laundry soap is provided, should the need arise.
Uniform shoes and combat boots must be broken-in before encampment! Each year, blisters are the most common injury at encampment and most are preventable by proper break-in of boots and shoes. Compliance with uniform regulations is extremely important. The US Air Force prescribes the policy for uniform wear for cadet blues uniforms and Airman Battle Uniforms (ABU). Regulations require exact placement of all insignia, patches, and accessories. If there are questions about this, contact your home squadron personnel. If cadets arrive at encampment with patches improperly sewn, they are responsible for correcting the error. This is not encampment staff’s job. Please ensure that uniforms are correct prior to arrival or be certain that your cadet knows how to sew. They will have to fix any problems.
What do cadets need to bring to Encampment?
Follow your packing list precisely. Do not bring more. Do not bring less. We have tried to minimize buying things. However, in CAP you will find that almost all of the items on the packing list will be on the packing list for most CAP activities.
Items on the list are required unless specifically indicated as optional. Check, double check and triple check all items before departing for encampment. Each year, some cadets arrive without required items. No spare uniform items are available at encampment. Cadets should copy or download the packing list from the packing list page of the Kansas Wing website. Home squadron commanders or squadron supply officers can make recommendations and may be able to assist in obtaining uniform items. Some uniform items may require ordering so allow adequate time.
No uniform items or accessories are available at encampment!
Important! Complete an inventory of all required items immediately prior to departing for encampment.
Bedding should be for FULL size mattress. Bringing this size will help you make your bed correctly with less frustration.
We have no room to store extra items. We have limited space for contraband and items you brought for travel. Food will be thrown away. So eat it before you arrive. Do not bring computers or large electronic devices. All items confiscated will be kept in a secure location. The contraband list can be found on the packing list.
It is very important that cadets bringing necessary prescription medication be able to reliably self-medicate. All prescription medication brought to the encampment must be in its original container with dosing information. Medications will generally be stored in Medical in a secure manner at the discretion of the Medical Officer In Charge. Any medication kept by medical staff, administration times will be managed by the medical staff, but the cadet will self-medicate. We do this to ensure that cadets that are out of their element and in an unusual routine are not missing medication dosages. We have developed a system to ensure that meds are self-administered as prescribed.
Traveling via Commercial Air to Encampment
Read the following carefully BEFORE making commercial flight arrangements for Kansas Winter Encampment!
Shuttle service will be available between Encampment and Wichita Dwight D. Eisenhower National Airport (ICT) at 1:00pm.
Shuttle service will also be available between Encampment and the Salina Regional Airport (SLN) at 2:00pm. Check prices to both airports for the best deals. Hint: the encampment is on the Salina Regional Airport property.
If you need transportation between encampment and Wichita, choose flights that arrive AT LEAST 1 hour before shuttle departure time listed.
Shuttle transportation will be (most likely) a CAP white passenger van, with signage in the front window, and may be towing a trailer.
Shuttle Pickup at Wichita Kansas Dwight D. Eisenhower National Airport (ICT):
There will be ONE shuttle that departs for encampment at 1300 on 26 December (FOR STAFF ONLY…NOT STUDENTS). There will be ONE shuttle that departs for encampment at 1300 on 27 December. Each airline has its own baggage claim area within each terminal. We are aware of the airline you are using and will look for you by the exit nearest the baggage claim for your airline. Collect your baggage and be patient. Wait inside (it will be cold outside). Please schedule arrivals at least one hour prior to the shuttle pickup times. If you miss the shuttle, you will be responsible for the additional cost incurred to come get you.
Shuttle Pickup at Salina Regional Airport (SLN):
There will be ONE shuttle that departs for encampment at 1400 on 26 December (FOR STAFF ONLY…NOT STUDENTS). There will be ONE shuttle that departs for encampment at 1400 on 27 December. Collect your baggage and be patient. Wait inside (it will be cold outside). Please schedule arrivals at least one hour prior to the shuttle pickup times. If you miss the shuttle, you will be responsible for the additional cost incurred to come get you.
Unaccompanied Minors:
Most airlines will allow minors that are 15 or over to fly as an adult on their own. However, most will want 12-14 year old Cadets traveling alone to pay an unaccompanied minor fee and require a “hand-off” after landing. Arrangements for airline “hand-off” will be coordinated with Encampment Staff at the email on the web site HERE.
Delayed Flights
If you are scheduled to use encampment shuttle transportation, but your originally booked flight is delayed, please update staff at the phone number on the web site HERE. Please do not wait until you arrive in Kansas to inform us. It can be up to 2.5 hours before we can pick you up. If you choose not to use encampment shuttle transportation and arrange for other transportation, it will be at your own expense and the arrangements will be your responsibility.
Return flights from Wichita (ICT) or Salina (SLN)
All return flights leaving ICT must be scheduled for 3 January after 2:00pm for SLN, and 4:00pm for ICT. Departures scheduled prior to these times risk being missed. You may need to find accommodations near the airport (with a hotel-airport shuttle) to fly out the next day, as fewer flights are leaving SLN and ICT late in the afternoon.
You must submit your travel plans to encampment staff so we can reserve your seat on the shuttle. FORWARD the actual email you received from the airline to encampment@kswg.cap.gov as soon as you get it… not a screen shot, jpg, or pdf. Forward the actual email, please. Some airlines allow you to add our email address to the ticket and this will allow us to be notified of changes as they occur. If additional earlier pickup times are added, we will notify all travelers. IF YOU DO NOT SUBMIT YOUR TRAVEL PLAN, SEATING MAY NOT BE AVAILABLE AND TRANSPORTATION FROM AIRPORTS WILL BE AT YOUR OWN EXPENSE.
What’s involved in the check-in process?
Do not drop off cadets at encampment to check-in by themselves. Although you will not be able to accompany your cadet through the entire in-processing, last minute application paperwork issues (or haircuts) may require adult assistance. The encampment staff is conducting in-processing for up to 200 people in a few hours. It must move quickly and efficiently. We do not have time to correct paperwork. This activity has the potential of being completely booked.
Encampment senior staff members inspect each cadet’s luggage as part of in-processing. Encampment staff will confiscate prohibited items. Please do not “surprise” your cadet by tucking away a package of chocolate chip cookies in their luggage. Food items confiscated will be discarded.
Haircuts and hairstyles will be inspected prior to check-in. Haircuts and hairstyles must meet CAP grooming standards throughout the duration of encampment. Staff will not allow cadets to in-process if hair does not meet CAP grooming standards. Do not arrive at encampment with haircuts/hairstyles that do not meet standards. If in doubt, cut it shorter!
All participants report to Starbase, 2929 Scanlan Ave, Salina, KS for in-processing.
In-processing for encampment students, and advanced training flight, is at 1130 on 27 December. Please feed them lunch before they get to in-processing. The first meal is not scheduled until the evening meal. If they show up earlier, they will stand in line until in-processing begins at noon, or put to work until in-processing begins. All cadet Cadre and senior staff members will in-process 1500 on 26 December.
Out-processing will be handled just prior to graduation, so cadet students can get their luggage and depart encampment immediately following graduation.
Can I come visit my cadet during Encampment?
No. The encampment schedule is extremely time sensitive. Any visits will disrupt the schedule. No one may visit the encampment without the specific permission of the Encampment Commander and any permission will only be extended to those with official business.
How do I contact my Cadet in case of an emergency?
For legitimate emergencies, you can contact the Encampment by email at the contact info on the web site. An Emergency telephone number will also be provided prior to encampment.
Is there a graduation ceremony?
Yes there is! Graduation is scheduled to occur at 11:30am on 4 January, immediately following final inspection at Starbase, the same as the in-processing location. Nobody leaves until everything is in top shape. Please, make every possible effort to attend the end of encampment graduation ceremony. Encampment is an intense, but very rewarding experience for cadets. Encampment graduates become better cadets. Most cadets are ready to go home at the end of encampment; they are happy that it is over. In retrospect, most will admit that they would not trade the experience for anything. They are proud of what they accomplish. This sense of pride develops as the week progresses and as they begin to look forward to participation in graduation. Do not expect to be able to greet your cadet until after graduation is over. They will be very busy cleaning, packing and getting ready to leave before marching to graduation. Parents will see this display of pride when attending graduation. You will immediately see it in their attitude. Please make every effort to attend graduation, and bring your camera!
By the end of encampment, every cadet will know how to say “Sir” or “Ma’am” when addressing or responding to cadet or senior officers. They will know how to keep living quarters clean and organized. They will know how to make their bed and they will know how to hang up their clothes at night. Some or all of these habits may continue after encampment. Share your pride in this accomplishment with your cadet.